"Want some bread?" "No, but I'd sure like some land and some peace!" -Me and Gregg, yesterday. This is more of a placeholder entry than anything else. It's fifteen minutes till my third class of …
This documents Sunday night of my Moscow travelog. Parts I and II, if you please. Day 3.5: Sunday Night. The "tsar of wishful thinking" joke was basically a refernce to some 1980s (?) song in …
A lot of very eclectic material in today's entry. The title refers to the intersection near my university (university may not actually be mine), Herzen Pedagogical something-or-other in St. Petersburg, Russia. This intersection has no …
Argh. I saw "Swan Lake" tonight, here in [my hometown] St. Petersburg. And it was rather interesting, especially since I saw it with Susanne, who has actually been in a production of "Swan Lake," but …
Argh! I really should write several entries very soon, about my mixed feelings about mixed -- or any -- alcoholic drinks, and about the last few days of my Moscow trip a few days ago. …
The Dostoyevsky museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, and other stuff. The title refers to the transliteration of Erin Brockovich into Russian, which looks very wrong. This goes for the translation of X-Men as People X …
This is approximately the first third of my Moscow travelogue. I plan to also have it available at my own personal webspace soonish. Day One: Friday night. A buoyant bunch of twenty ACTR students and …
Today we are all so, so tired from the lack of sleep on the overnight train ride back from Moscow to St. Petersburg. So, so tired. And then we have classes. Some conversations from this …
I'm such a jerk for posting a "more later" entry, but it's true. I have a great deal more to say about my Moscow trip, and I intend on a blow-by-blow chronolog. Maybe in a …
Five-ride pass on the Moscow metro: 20 rubles. 35mm camera film, 24 exposures: 85 rubles. Finally coming face-to-face with the fact that Russia has not, by a long shot, shed the last vestiges of the …