Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder

Open Source and Free Culture

01 Sep 2020, 13:45 p.m.

Remedial Skills In Open-To-The-Public Working Groups

I'm talking in this post about wikis, political clubs, open source projects, fanvidding exchanges -- any groups where people try to work together and are open to the public. "No, what's that?" Some people joining …

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28 Aug 2020, 16:20 p.m.

Apply For Grants To Fund Open Source Work, and Career Thoughts

Apply For Grants To Fund Open Source Work When I tell people about grants they could get to help fund work on open source software projects, sometimes they are surprised because they didn't know such …

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11 Aug 2020, 12:49 p.m.

Figuring Out Which Blogging Platform To Switch To

I'd like to pay someone to port my blog to a new platform, and create one for Changeset Consulting as well. So now I need to decide on the platform and the vendor. Background I've …

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11 Aug 2020, 8:16 a.m.

Three Useful Tools is open source web-based diagramming software that exports to and imports from a bunch of different formats -- and you can save your diagram as XML so someone else can import and edit it. …

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16 Jul 2020, 13:56 p.m.

Four Conferences In Three Days

I'm performing or speaking at, participating in or attending four different conferences/conventions online between July 24th and 26th. You can join me at no cost for all of them! Going chronologically: GUADEC: Friday, July 24th, …

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15 Jun 2020, 16:17 p.m.

Hosted Alternatives To Proprietary Monopolistic Services

Videoconfencing: Jitsi is free, open source, and you don't need to download anything -- it just works in the web browser. You can use their public instance for free. May First is hosting a Jitsi …

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04 May 2020, 12:01 p.m.

"Yes, Minister", Chesterton's Fence, And Wasteful Caution

Just now I was in a pretty grumpy mood and it threatened to spiral further. I decided to give myself a break, got a snack and the rest of my morning tea, set a timer, …

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27 Apr 2020, 18:00 p.m.

Remote Sprint Tips

Every year, many developers of Python (the language itself, not just stuff written in Python) get together for a sprint. This year it will probably be virtual. How should that work? I offered to share …

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10 Feb 2020, 16:42 p.m.

Help Tell People About Outreachy

I'd like for you to consider doing something for me. Think about the people in your circles. Your cousins, your neighbors, your friends' kids. Do you know anyone who is trying to figure out how …

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06 Feb 2020, 9:27 a.m.

My First Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting

Some interesting things about attending the Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting for the first time, and stuff I have learned here so far! [Edited 1:10pm CT to add: By the way, here is a contextual …

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