29 Oct 2001, 12:45 p.m.

Even before I knew consciously how absurd most marketing tactics…

Even before I knew consciously how absurd most marketing tactics and political rhetoric sound to a conscious ear, The Tick made me laugh very, very hard. Today's IMDB quote:Tick: Everybody was a baby once, Arthur. …

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29 Oct 2001, 12:39 p.m.

It would seem that John Searle got picketed at one…

It would seem that John Searle got picketed at one of his public appearances. We in the OCF made great fun of this. "People who protest John Searle are just making him feel more important …

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29 Oct 2001, 9:30 a.m.

Alexei and I discussed a while back the myth-motif of…

Alexei and I discussed a while back the myth-motif of The Woman Who Has A Secret And You Can't Ask Her About It Ever. Examples abound. Usually the man falls in love with the woman, …

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29 Oct 2001, 9:26 a.m.

At Balboa Park BART station I often see an ad…

At Balboa Park BART station I often see an ad for Contentville. The poster's background features several -- maybe forty -- words and phrases which ostensibly represent subjects one could research via Contentville, e.g., snowboarding, …

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28 Oct 2001, 22:00 p.m.

Before I turn in for the night -- Rick Starr…

Before I turn in for the night -- Rick Starr has returned to campus! He's a lounge-singer type what hangs around Sproul Plaza -- usually nearer Bancroft Way than Sather Gate or Ludwig's Fountain -- …

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28 Oct 2001, 21:50 p.m.

Today I had lunch at a house with a Silicon…

Today I had lunch at a house with a Silicon valley couple and its tot. I played with the kiddie's Tinkertoys, the first time I've ever played with Tinkertoys that I can remember. I wish …

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28 Oct 2001, 19:47 p.m.

From Leonard's favorite philosophical tract this week:Then we replicate in…

From Leonard's favorite philosophical tract this week:Then we replicate in drama what we were spared in history. Darn, and I got a hall pass, too!

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28 Oct 2001, 19:39 p.m.

Oh, the last thing that Kavalier man said to me…

Oh, the last thing that Kavalier man said to me before we parted ways was, "Have you read Siddhartha?" Yes, I have! Siddhartha and Steppenwolf, I think, are the two Hesse works I've read. Right …

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28 Oct 2001, 19:31 p.m.

It would be completely unscientific to conclude, on the basis…

It would be completely unscientific to conclude, on the basis of one evening's anecdotal evidence, that people who ride the BART on Sunday night tend to read more highbrow material than the average BART rider. …

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28 Oct 2001, 16:19 p.m.

An incomplete list of stuff I've lost. my little red notebook…

An incomplete list of stuff I've lost. my little red notebook in which I wrote notes from St. Petersburg, Frankfurt, D.C., and Stockton and Berkeley the Macy's gift card my parents gave me for my …

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