28 Dec 2000, 10:51 a.m.

Ten films. Five nights. The last diary entry.

I finished The Decalogue! Whee! I had felt as though I'd never finished anything in my life -- "The Civil War," "Pride and Prejudice," "Beloved," lots of Important artistic works. But now, I've watched TEN …

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21 Dec 2000, 12:04 p.m.

Finals are over, and I recognize Polish carols

Yippee, I'm done with the semester. Wednesday was my International Relations final (Steve Weber is a great prof and a terrific lecturer, take his class if you can). Today I'll continue seeing "The Decalogue" at …

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15 Dec 2000, 12:34 p.m.

Happy, happy, happy

If any of you go to Cal, and pass regularly through Sproul Plaza, you'll recognize why I used that title. Every so often, a Chinese man stands up on a crate and holds up some …

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12 Dec 2000, 18:26 p.m.

His Fraudulency George the Second

I recently saw (at a preview screening) "13 Days," a new movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis. And it certainly reminded us (at the best point to remind us) that sometimes the most important thing …

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10 Dec 2000, 18:34 p.m.

Final and paper and presentation

Maybe there is no one best way to Learn Russian. Certainly immersion, though perhaps statistically more effective, leaves some of us dogpaddling and flailing about for lifeboats and buoys. I'm glad I'm learning Russian, but …

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