19 Mar 2001, 11:20 a.m.

Seeking readers of old Indian comic books

Did you read Amar Chitra Katha? Consistency as hobgoblin...or not! Seth sent me info that I now share with you. I'm harried today, writing this application and filling out that financial aid paperwork so as …

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18 Mar 2001, 12:06 p.m.

Questions (unanswerable?), and answers to non-questions

The Phantom Tollbooth My mom (not *your mom!*) Correction/update Books I got for free What to do with an old monitor and keyboard I can't use? The Phantom Tollbooth anecdote: When I was in my …

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16 Mar 2001, 2:50 a.m.

Puns, nuns, and MUN

Happy birthday, In Passing! In other news: thoughts scrawled in my notebook, also in passing, mostly wordplay. Poem: I think that I shall never see An Indian character on TV. I saw a few ads …

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15 Mar 2001, 6:09 a.m.

Birdie, birdie, birdie! & beware

I saw a bird Why didn't they sign? TV show idea Yo, Seth; Yo, Michael A legal idea Research needed Salad from tragedy I saw a hummingbird near my apartment today. Wow! I guess they …

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14 Mar 2001, 3:32 a.m.

Crummy Snow Cadence Confederacy Whom Violence and SciFi

A San Francisco columnist's article says much of what I wanted to say the other day, regarding school shootings by females. Well, maybe that's not what I would have said, but at least he brings …

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12 Mar 2001, 5:22 a.m.

I was wrong. She's a girl, in a private school.

So sue me. I said that shootings only happen in public schools, and that the shooters are always boys. Elizabeth Bush, of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, USA, fired shots in her private school (Bishop Neumann High School). …

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06 Mar 2001, 11:48 a.m.

I cried this morning

I couldn't help it. I always felt a bit of contempt for the people who claimed some personal grief at the death of Princess Diana. But I lay in bed and I cried after I …

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17 Feb 2001, 8:01 a.m.

Can you count on me?

Saw "You Can Count on Me" today, alone (odnoy in Russian, I think) and I'd like to talk a bit about it. It's great, subtle and sharp, and -- as in the best of art …

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16 Feb 2001, 9:37 a.m.

I taught, I will listen -- (im)perfective

I had two relatively good teaching sessions this week. Not outstanding, but okay. Tomorrow I expected to help a friend move, but now it's postponed. Instead, I guess, I'll clean and do work. In the …

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10 Feb 2001, 3:22 a.m.

The right question

I experienced a truly transcendent moment the other day while teaching, and I'd like to share it with you. (In the CD slot right now: Frisbie, "The Subversive Sounds of Love." Playing the first track, …

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