So, in the past 30 hours or so, I left California, stopped in the St. Paul/Minneapolis airport, arrived in Washington, D.C., saw my first Spike Lee movie, and met three libertarians. Thanks to my sister, …
Scared of new stuff, I am. Leaving soon for D.C., I am. "I want a handbook" as to what The Rules are. I said that to Dad several times over the course of arguing with …
Me: Dad, I know there are a lot of things that you wish you'd done, but you can't just use us [his two children] to get them done for you through us. Dad: Why not? …
My last night in Stockton. I'm (re)packing, trying to keep track of about sixteen different things-to-do in my head and on paper. I know that I *chose* to do this, that I'm the one who …
Odd dreams I've had somewhat recently, that I feel I should record somehow. Around half a year ago, I had a dream that my mind was somehow, Timequake-style perhaps, transferred to the body of some …
Thoughts from the Puja (Brunching style): For the first time in my life, I'm seriously questioning the existence of God. Is incense smoke carcinogenic? How much? More or less than cigarette or beedi smoke? Was …
Kurt Vonnegut, Bertrand Russell, Star Trek, Martin Gardner, The Smiths, Big Tobacco, Angel, Robert Browning. So today I finished Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Sure, I also packed a great deal for the St. Petersburg trip, …
Today -- not much. Shopped and otherwise prepared for the Russia trip, took a long nap, reread Go Jump in the Pool! by Gordon Korman, e-mailed a bit, read some of The Age of Kali …
A tiny little litany of what I've done today. I played mini-golf with Steve/holeburning, the second person in two days to drive down from the SanFran Bay Area to come see me in scenic Stockton. …
So much fun yesterday! An all-day Fun Session with Leonard made Stockton more bearable, despite the fact that it was Expletive-Gerund Hot. So we played miniature golf at Golfland. He beat me narrowly. We both …