31 Mar 2001, 3:56 a.m.

More morosity, & some hope

I've no anchor, and no mainsail. Women's work is never done. Maybe if I weren't so fearful-- maybe I could have more fun. "Time is out of joint"? -- no, the place. Sometimes I feel …

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30 Mar 2001, 11:27 a.m.

Where does the track end? Can I stumble without falling?

Saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Comb today, as my sister and my cousin call it. It was pretty disorienting to come out from that movie into a bright, bustling cineplex lobby. There should really be a …

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29 Mar 2001, 2:32 a.m.

President Barlet, and April Fool's Day

Today, my mother and I spoke about "The West Wing" and nuclear power. Ergo, today's poll. Today, I think I'm seeing Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon again. Do people actually pull elaborate April Fool's pranks anymore? …

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28 Mar 2001, 5:07 a.m.

Live, from Spring Break, Brain wanes

In which the writer contemplates with horror her popular cultural literacy, resolves to rejoin the elite, and spews her first thoughts upon finishing the Beggars trilogy by Nancy Kress. I've been having rather disturbing dreams …

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27 Mar 2001, 11:55 a.m.

Kress & speciation

Argh. Here I am, trying to soak up enough DMV information to please them, and sneaking away to read Nancy Kress's Beggars Trilogy ten or twenty pages at a time, and now I've been trying …

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25 Mar 2001, 2:34 a.m.

Books for Spring Break

I have now finished Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. I finished The Amber Spyglass less than 24 hours after I received it. More: Nancy Kress and irritating MS errors. Last night I went to …

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23 Mar 2001, 4:34 a.m.

So I didn't do the socially conscious thing.

No "Vagina Monologues" for me: I went to the DeCadence concert last night, and boy was it fun! I got to hear "Pop Nightmare" and "Super Mario Brothers," but what's more, I got to hear …

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22 Mar 2001, 3:16 a.m.


Vagina Monologues v. DeCadence concert v. Homework My class Could I help the electricity crunch? Tonight, I could go to the Vagina Monologues at 8 pm (free), or I could go to the DeCadence spring …

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21 Mar 2001, 1:56 a.m.

A phone-thrower!

Wednesday. Bleargh. I didn't know that Governor Gray Davis has a legendary temper. I heard today that he (at least once) threw a phone at an intern when he was mad. (The make and model …

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20 Mar 2001, 5:49 a.m.

Three, two, one, impress me!

Happy birthday, Fred Rogers, a.k.a. Mr. Rogers. Alien domination yet again, and a request for info re: speed dating. I'm not very happy with my life right at the moment, but seeing as my apartment …

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