18 Jun 2001, 12:20 p.m.

An American Desi in Leningrad

Even yet as quick! I will try and post a great deal tomorrow. As it is, if I take more than about five minutes on this, I'll be late home and my Russian host mother …

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18 Jun 2001, 4:18 a.m.

Ochen buistro -- very quick

I'm going to post more later today, but: I'm glad that Steve, Seth, Leonard, my sister, and probably others got my postcards. "You'd think that with armed traffic cops, they could make a dent in …

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16 Jun 2001, 12:30 p.m.

Live from Leningrad, it's Saturday Morning

I can't believe it's not butter, and I can't believe I've been in Russia for almost a day. So, what's to say? Lots of stuff. I have successfully: Bought and eaten food and water (no …

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14 Jun 2001, 10:00 a.m.

To Russia With Like

I'm in a Kinko's (oi!) trying to write a diary entry in (checks watch) six minutes, before I go back to the hotel, and get on a plane to (what the hell am I doing?) …

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11 Jun 2001, 10:03 a.m.

Diary For the Damned

I'm smelling East Coast smells. Takes me back to my childhood. Not nearly enough -- proportional to what I want to say -- about Washington, D.C., day two of brainwane the Tourist. On the Mall: …

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10 Jun 2001, 10:46 a.m.

Day of the Dead

Today I used the D.C. metro system for the first time, visited Arlington National Cemetery and the house where Abraham Lincoln died, and read "Surprise" by Martin Gardner. Among other things. More on Lincoln, Gardner, …

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10 Jun 2001, 7:32 a.m.

brainwane: The Journey Sort Of Begins

So, in the past 30 hours or so, I left California, stopped in the St. Paul/Minneapolis airport, arrived in Washington, D.C., saw my first Spike Lee movie, and met three libertarians. Thanks to my sister, …

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09 Jun 2001, 7:17 a.m.

Quick thoughts

Scared of new stuff, I am. Leaving soon for D.C., I am. "I want a handbook" as to what The Rules are. I said that to Dad several times over the course of arguing with …

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08 Jun 2001, 12:01 p.m.

Just had to record this

Me: Dad, I know there are a lot of things that you wish you'd done, but you can't just use us [his two children] to get them done for you through us. Dad: Why not? …

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08 Jun 2001, 2:06 a.m.


My last night in Stockton. I'm (re)packing, trying to keep track of about sixteen different things-to-do in my head and on paper. I know that I *chose* to do this, that I'm the one who …

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