20 Apr 2001, 8:21 a.m.

Watch yo'self!

"Tell me who the infallible philosopher is. I'd like to read her work."-Me, during discussion of The Matrix today. "You know, some people just don't want their Ph.D.s." -Prof. Bruce Cain, yesterday, after a playful …

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19 Apr 2001, 2:49 a.m.

I done got schooled

Yesterday, after I beat Nathaniel (twice!) at air hockey, a young-looking guy -- Samuel, he said his name was, from the Middle East -- absolutely schooled me. Afterwards, when he -- quite kindly -- explained …

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18 Apr 2001, 2:29 a.m.

Without Darth

there would have been no Luke," said a girl to another girl on Hearst yesterday evening. As my friend Drew would comment, Dostoyevsky was saying basically the same thing. A report on the Comedy Night. …

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15 Apr 2001, 2:55 a.m.

So heaven is a slasher flick?

Weekend fun, I had. A Gateway to Heaven, I saw. Various jokes, sight gags, and puns, I discovered. Cheeriest, to me, was the nicknaming of "CollabNet" as "ClamNet." So Dan, a friend of mine, told …

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11 Apr 2001, 3:52 a.m.

Comedy Night Is Coming!

Many of you may know that I often indulge at the open-mikes at the Squelch Comedy Nights on campus. Well, here comes another one. Monday, 16th of April at 8 pm in the Bear's Lair …

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11 Apr 2001, 2:43 a.m.

And did you always do what Mama said?

So when was the first time your parents lied, and you knew they are lying? --I asked my class on Friday. Perhaps the best response: "Once, my parents told me to get in the car …

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09 Apr 2001, 3:31 a.m.

And when I die I expect to find Him laughing

"I missed the lecture on sleep learning." "You mean you slept through it." "Well, yeah." "You know, there's some irony in that." -heard in the Open Computing Facility As Depeche Mode said,I don't want to …

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04 Apr 2001, 2:21 a.m.

Take that, economists!

Me, yesterday, during Political Science 171 lecture: "If I never hear the term 'Pareto equilibrium' again it'll be too soon." Prof. Bruce Cain, during the same lecture: "Don't make fun of economists, now, they make …

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03 Apr 2001, 12:37 p.m.

Cats and Advogato and freedom

Urban astronomy, feline friendships (or tentative steps towards them), and Lodi. I got new shoes. They're pretty much exactly like my old ones, except that they don't have any holes in them, and they're tight …

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02 Apr 2001, 12:09 p.m.

Space, time, and "take my wife ... please!"

Today: Seth's diary, Einstein's Dreams, and free professional comedy! Seth's diary yesterday contained a hilarious commentary on our historical shortsightedness, titled "California history." I recommend it highly. Last night I read Alan Lightman's Einstein's Dreams …

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