So this entry is really an agglomeration of a bunch of stuff that's been floating in my head the past few days. Pick and choose from the smorgasbord of Sumana! Air hockey. When I played …
It's been almost a month since the terrorist attacks on the US. Usually, when I find out how long it has been since some major news event, it seems as though it's been not too …
I've recently been told I have a way with insults. So is it good or bad that I rarely use them? I'm archiving my old K5 posts on a site over which I have more …
I feel the need to point out that I receive no explicit credit for number of jokes and other bits that Leonard posted at the backup site whilst was down. Namely, I came up …
For some reason I haven't felt a strong urge to write much these days. I've been going to class, hanging out with friends, exchanging e-mail, and doing nothing much out of the ordinary, as far …
Steve, have fun in Salt Lake City. Alexei's Diaryland profile reminds me of Katie, that Reed College student who was on my St. Petersburg trip: "Hands down, the best thing you can do when you …
I'm listening to the Dar Williams CD that Seth gave me for my birthday. Mortal City is the title. This weekend: regrets and fun. I missed the birthday party of a special friend of mine, …
This is my first entry since Monday, 10 September 2001. Very diary verite. Lists as life. Usually I write stuff down in my notebook that I want to put in my weblog. But I haven't …
I had a terrific time on Sunday. I've written a bit here about my brunch and parental interaction and party on Sunday, and on my handball improvement and general viewpoint shift re:skill-learning. And --does anyone …
So let me contribute to the discourse about yesterday's events. You've heard from Leonard. You've heard from Seth. Now, the third side of the story. brainwane's take. So Leonard and I wished to join Mr. …