10 Sep 2001, 3:25 a.m.

Sunday, Sunday

I had a terrific time on Sunday. I've written a bit here about my brunch and parental interaction and party on Sunday, and on my handball improvement and general viewpoint shift re:skill-learning. And --does anyone …

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09 Sep 2001, 8:31 a.m.

The Great Conversation ... About Savings!

So let me contribute to the discourse about yesterday's events. You've heard from Leonard. You've heard from Seth. Now, the third side of the story. brainwane's take. So Leonard and I wished to join Mr. …

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08 Sep 2001, 12:20 p.m.

Humor for your weekend

Links this morning. Afternoon. Whatever. Check out John's homepage and Alexei's new diary entry. They're funny. Also, the Modern Humorist story on fall movies made me laugh out loud in the computer lab. And I …

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07 Sep 2001, 12:24 p.m.

Job Fair, Day 3

This is really almost all I want to talk about (except for the fact that Seth dropping by unexpectedly yesterday was one of the ten best surprises I've ever had in my life). Freebies from …

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06 Sep 2001, 3:27 a.m.


Aha. After two more Puzo sightings, I discovered that the reason why so many people are reading The Godfather these days is that Political Science 1 requires it. ??!!, if I may. More Political Science …

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05 Sep 2001, 3:19 a.m.

Despair and Rejuvenation

Today was a jobbe faire. How depressing. A political science major like myself has to basically sell on the points that aren't so strong, namely, "I know UNIX" and "I speak Russian." More info on …

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03 Sep 2001, 4:13 a.m.

Stomp! And Honey.

My parents came by and my sister, parents, and I watched "Stomp", which was fun. I liked the effects of the lighting and choreography, which varied between references to tribal ritual and sort of Venetian-blind-neon-sign …

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02 Sep 2001, 1:15 a.m.

Weekend Update Without Norm MacDonald

I enjoy a long weekend of fun right now. I have been socializing with Zack, whom I know through Seth, and Leonard. I'm listening to Moxy Früvous's You Will Go to the Moon and loving …

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30 Aug 2001, 10:36 a.m.

Hardball and contradictions

First, links. This page of thumbnail pictures really makes me nostalgic for Russia. This Page 2 Interview has better questions than answers. And it really reminded me of the IAQ feature over at Brunching Shuttlecocks. …

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29 Aug 2001, 10:34 a.m.


This technology of the cell phone is so seductive. It slithers into my life, whispering, "Use me! Use me! Rearrange your life to take advantage of me!" But I'm trying to keep my usage moderate. …

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