I've recently changed my plans and will only attend WisCon virtually this year.Today is the day I finalized my decision of whether to go; I had booked travel and a hotel room, and was running …
I frequently notice folks asking or answering questions like "how many contributors does this open source project have?" or "how much contribution is this project getting?" Here's an example of why those aren't simple questions.ffmpeg …
I realized recently I've never blogged about the best tech talk I've ever given and one of my favorite performances: "HTTP Can Do That?!: A collection of bad ideas" from PyCon US 2016 in Portland, …
A few things that have made me laugh recently:The bit in an episode of I Only Listen To The Mountain Goats (S2E9) where John Darnielle says "People always ask me to play 'No Children' at …
A couple years ago, through Ask a Manager comment threads (some links), I learned about the Job Accommodation Network which has a giant organized list of accommodations an employer could make, sorted "by disability, by …
I slice, dice, and transform documents often enough that I rely frequently on pandoc and pdftk. I often use pandoc to turn Markdown, HTML, wiki syntax, reStructuredText, etc. into each other or into LibreOffice, MS …
Want to become a better programmer? Join the Recurse Center! In the virtual PyCon hallway track, a newcomer to the industry said he'd like to get into contributing to open source, and asked for my …
Sometimes I exercise with friends via videocall, but when I want to exercise by myself, I often listen to stuff. I like having a mix of things to concentrate on and things I can half-listen …
Will I go to PyCon in person this year? Today is the day I decided whether to go; I had booked plane tickets and a hotel room, and was running out of time to cancel …
A few suggestions to help you nurture volunteers in your projects. (Expanded from some advice I recently gave Ms. Boba, founder of BobaBoard -- she's a coaching client of mine.)Live Tour As First Draft: Extract …