Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
I'm going to A Cuppa Tea, at College and Alcatraz, for this evening's open mic comedy night. I probably will not perform, as I have no material and it's an hour from now, but will …
Last night I got to hang out with Sarah again and rent Chris Rock. I always forget how funny he is. Then I dreamt about doing stand-up. I need to get back on the stage.
"We are all time travelers..." Speaking of Zed, I got to see his Super Troupers of Improv tonight. Again, very funny. I only wish their set were longer! Ah, I'll have to get my next …
I ripped through Dave Barry's second novel, Tricky Business, in about two hours. It's faster-paced than Big Trouble, taking place entirely in one day, but the general theme stays the same (ordinary people stumble upon …
Hurray for the writing group, which met and actually got some work done. Good luck to the perpetually stressed Shweta! I also met her friend Adam (argh, that makes, like, three now to distinguish) and …
Naomi Klein, of No Logo fame, speaks tonight at Cody's at Haste and Telegraph in Berkeley. She'll appear at 7:30 pm to discuss her new book, Fences and Windows, which I momentarily conflated with Bruce …
Various people I know are starting school again, or embarking on new relationships or escalating their existing relationships, or taking on new responsibilities at work. They have exciting beginnings and I am the middle, …
It's a PHC Joke Show -- on Kuro5hin! If you want to read a bunch of jokes, look no further. I enjoyed a not-really-racist joke and this one: Werner Heisenberg was driving down the Autobahn …
As long as I'm talking about comics: the other day I saw a Hagar the Horrible that seemed to have forgotten that it was a daily comic strip and not a vaudeville act. Dilbert and …
The next Comedy Nite, apparently, happens in May. Or so saith the Heuristic Squelch events page. Tuesday, May 7. I'll probably do my last college open mic then, in case you want to catch me. …