The beloved indie feminist print and online magazine The Recompiler is back! New issues are up, and the mag is hiring for help with editing, design (print and ebook), and research. All positions are remote …
Some interesting things about attending the Exascale Computing Project Annual Meeting for the first time, and stuff I have learned here so far! [Edited 1:10pm CT to add: By the way, here is a contextual …
Video Mozilla interviewed me about the Python Package Index (PyPI), a USD$170,000 Mozilla Open Source Support award I helped the Python Software Foundation get in 2017, and how we used that money to revamp PyPI …
I was partway through college. I was taking a class about US films of 1939 and their social/historical context. The professor said something in a lecture about Upton Sinclair. I went to his office hours …
Back in 2009, my spouse and I edited and published an anthology of original speculative fiction and art called Thoughtcrime Experiments (here's why, and how you can do it yourself). I wrote some followup posts: …
A friend suggested: You know those books that you can’t stop thinking about, won’t shut up about, and wish everyone around you would read? The ones that, if taken in aggregate, would tell people more …
This is a followup to my 2014 post on grants you could apply for. Several foundations and funders are seeking applicants who are working on free and open source software projects. I am listing a …
I was talking with a friend earlier today about how I've come to understand some different temperaments and skills I inherited from my different parents. And the specific thing I am reflecting on now is …
A few professional announcements. Seeking developers for paid contract on pip; apply by Nov. 22 One is that I helped the Packaging Working Group of the Python Software Foundation get funding for a long-needed improvement …
In May, I chaired "The Art of Python", a festival of arts about programming that took place at PyCon North America. People presented short plays, monologues, songs, and a video remix that explored how it …