17 Feb 2019, 10:53 a.m.

My Open Data Quest, Part ... 11?

On Tuesday night, I attended a committee meeting of the NYC council's Committee on Technology at City Hall (another view) and gave a bit of public comment (video -- my testimony is 02:05:03 till 2:09:11, …

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14 Feb 2019, 7:58 a.m.

Puns About Domain Names Are Kinda Par For The Course Around Here

I blearily woke this morning - Leonard was already up. I wished him a happy Valentine's Day. "I think we really match. And in some sense, because we met online,* we met in e-harmony. And …

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11 Feb 2019, 14:04 p.m.

Some Movies Are For Not-Me

I haven't really been keeping up with reviewing movies here. Some recent joys: I loved Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which was astounding in its artistry and the marriage of story and virtuosic presentation. The Muppet …

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07 Feb 2019, 8:17 a.m.

Socratic Questioning, Devil's Advocacy, and Conversational Power Tools

"Devil's advocate" was a job. In order for someone to perform the role of Devil's advocate, someone else had to appoint them to that position. And the Devil's advocate performed a bounded task within an …

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07 Feb 2019, 4:49 a.m.

My Recent-ish Government Transparency Efforts

I've put together a page of my past few years of Freedom of Information Law requests and the responses they've garnered. In particular, folks might be interested in the NYC Department of Health and Mental …

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06 Feb 2019, 11:06 a.m.

A Few NYC Winter Hikes

I'm better when I hike more often. It nourishes me to clamber around rough trails and navigate and be among trees. You actually can use city transit to get to parks within NYC for a …

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01 Feb 2019, 16:18 p.m.

Prior Art

On Friday, May 3rd, in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, as part of PyCon North America, I'm leading an arts festival called "The Art of Python". The call for proposals is open now, deadline 28 February. And …

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30 Jan 2019, 10:39 a.m.


I'm back from my travel (taking care of ill family) and back on a bit of social media, but catching up on my inbox and may still be terse in my responses for at least …

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24 Dec 2018, 9:33 a.m.


I'm going to be off social media a lot between now and about Jan 10th. Please email if you want to reach me - https://www.harihareswara.net/ & https://changeset.nyc/#contact have my address - but I will probably …

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22 Dec 2018, 13:34 p.m.

I Welcome Your Point Of View On Whether I Am An Alto

I love listening to and singing a lot of labor and folk songs. Like, the highlight of my week a little while back was when a friend got out his guitar and learned to play …

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