27 Mar 2019, 19:40 p.m.

Expectations, Toil and Sludge, Discovery, And A Lot of Handwaving

I have an inchoate tangle of thoughts I'll spill out into this sandbox for thinking -- sometimes on this blog you get well-organized how-to guides and analyses, and sometimes you get "what constellation do these …

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21 Mar 2019, 10:42 a.m.

It's Not Just You

Malka Older writes: here's the thing about "adulting": so much of it is entirely unnecessary. I have spent so many hours on health insurance and I only know because I lived in another country that …

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20 Mar 2019, 10:28 a.m.

Steerswoman Series

If you have never read Rosemary Kirstein's "Steerswoman" book series I envy you because I just read them and it was such a thrill ride. Here's the first chapter of the first book as a …

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08 Mar 2019, 12:15 p.m.

Testing, Testing

When I was in high school, a zillion years ago, I got reallllly good scores on the SAT I* and the PSAT (which played the Silver Surfer to the SAT's Galactus). I was good at …

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27 Feb 2019, 8:01 a.m.

GSoC/Outreachy Mentoring Orgs: Consider Giving Applicants English Tutoring

Google Summer of Code just announced the 207 mentoring organizations (open source projects seeking participants) for this year's round, and Outreachy's 9 mentoring orgs also announced open internship projects. This blog post is directed at …

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25 Feb 2019, 16:52 p.m.

API Copyrightability Law Brings (Many of) Us Together

So you know that moment partway through a movie where heroes team up and stride toward the camera in slow motion while epic music plays? The Python Software Foundation's counsel, Van Lindberg, writes: @ThePSF and …

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24 Feb 2019, 11:10 a.m.

Interesting University Press Ebooks via NYPL

Hey New York Public Library patrons! Today I looked at NYPL's "E-Book Central" and discovered University Press Scholarship Online. Click "Connect to database" and enter your NYPL barcode number and PIN, and you can read …

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22 Feb 2019, 16:50 p.m.

Tropes, and Missing Stories, in Art about Programming

"The Art of Python", the one-night arts festival about your experience of programming, is still open for proposals, till February 28th. What experiences do we want to explore? We want variety -- because there are …

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22 Feb 2019, 8:33 a.m.

The Fascinating Life of Dalip Singh Saund

My latest MetaFilter blog post is "At the beginning I never thought of becoming a candidate myself." Immigrant, math Ph.D., farmer, and judge Dalip Singh Saund wasn't just the first Asian American elected to the …

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19 Feb 2019, 6:36 a.m.

As The Saying Goes, I'm Part Of The Precipitate

Tonight, I'm gonna attend my local Community Board meeting, which will include an MTA presentation on the Astoria Boulevard ADA & Station Renewal project. (I hope that, after the meeting, I can hang out with …

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