I read a really heartening Associated Press item over the weekend: Turkey's legislature just passed some really sweeping law revisions recognizing various women's rights. Hurrah!
Things I should be thinking about: my paper. Things I am thinking about: humanism, humility, love, logic, meditation, menstruation, food, topics for columns for my Daily Cal application, the most painful sorrow imaginable, and my …
I am trying and trying to learn to swallow my pride. The universe does not care about me, but some other people do. A difficult mix to master.
Off to the handball courts. Rah rah rah.
Adam agrees with me (and with Leonard): Phil Zimbardo "would make a good late-night talk show host." The emerging consensus astounds me! Finally, a {president, late-night talk show host} we all can agree on!
Kuro5hin.org went down a few weeks ago and has not yet recovered. While I certainly find myself heartened that I now host my weblog on a more reliable site, I will try to take the …
I'm going to the gym in just a moment, really I am. I worked on my paper some this morning, skipping handball and Russian (horror!), and then had a very enjoyable lunch with my sister. …
It is so, so, so hard to try to live the examined life. I tend to believe that if a lifestyle isn't demanding and painful, it isn't worthwhile. So maybe, now that I know it …
Leonard and I conversed a great deal yesterday and we probably had around five "arguments," if you could call them that. We weren't angry at each other, so it's not right to use "argument" in …
Tom Tomorrow: "If you don't collect 'em all -- then the terrorists have already won!"