I wish my dad were more considerate.
Angel came over and we gabbed, gabbed, gabbed. If Dia de los Muertos is the Day of the Dead, Dios de los Muertos would be the God of the Dead (as Angel corrected my ignorant-California-resident …
From a Slashdot comment: "Thanksgiving is really about little kids and olives... Ok, big kids too, but mostly olives." I love olives.
Goodness, Slate gets slower and slower with every redesign. A woman outside a supermarket (ostensibly collecting money for charity) asked me what language(s) I speak, probably to derive my ethnic origin. "English and Russian" threw …
Mary Kay, entrepreneur encourager and cosmetics queen, has died. I imagine Frances already knows that. When I break the Buy Nothing Day tradition, I do it big. My purchases today included business garb (for interviews …
I used to read a Calvin and Hobbes every day, off calvinandhobbes.com. But that habit lapsed, and today I read some Watterston for the first time in months (not counting the strips that I see …
Mixed-up bookshelves: at one Thanksgiving shindig I attended today, I saw Moby Dick next to The Illustrated Adventures of Sherlock Holmes next to The Days Are Just Packed! I got through half of the Watterston …
I just did a load of laundry. (When did people start saying that and stop saying "I washed a load of clothes"? Perhaps gradually, as the human became more and more removed from the process.) …
Leonard wishes that Phil Zimbardo hosted a talk show, possibly entitled Zimbarded! I think that Zimbardo's mix of camera-hogging, suave charm, and psychological expertise make him perfect for late-night. Don't you? In other news, I …
I think I've only ever felt rather fond of one US holiday, and that's Thanksgiving. Fourth of July -- too jingoistic. Christmas -- too hyped, commercial, and sentimental. Valentine's Day -- too hyped, commercial, sentimental, …