I went to the Allston Way post office today and, after waiting several minutes and filling out a short form, received the $3.40 in first-class stamps that I tried to buy from a vending machine …
Even if I move outside of Northern California after I graduate, I'll still keep reading Jon Carroll's column in the San Francisco Chronicle.
I dreamt a long, complicated dream last night. I participated in a snowball fight, saw Alexei in a line for a movie theater, saw my Political Psychology TA working a minimum-wage food-service job, and possibly …
Adam linked to Vannevar Bush's "As We May Think." I've never read it, but since I posit that Google helps us achieve memex-hood, I should. Once upon a time, Leonard impressed me by instantly recalling …
I cut myself today while removing the tough outer layers from blocks of tofu. Not nearly as dour as some medical news I could think of, but still annoying. Be careful when using sharp knives, …
Oh yeah, I actually did get quite a bit of Russian homework done this morning. I did not finish the ridiculously repetitive "rewrite this passage in three slightly different forms" portion, nor did I do …
John tells me that MCSE action figures exist. Some Microsoft salesman gave them to a coworker of his. *recoil* This came up because I was recounting to John a story from years ago, when Seth …
Today I again visited Jeana and helped her cook a great dinner for her coop. Today I mainly worked on the tofu for the salad, although I had a large voice in meal design. It …
I wore fancy garb today to attend a luncheon for the Alumni Leadership Scholars and donors to the Alumni scholarships. How small and unaccomplished I felt next to people who have started nonprofits and published …
I should have known that announcements I get via the Berkeley ACLU might be kinda skewed ideologically. Marijuana Symposium What DARE Didn't Teach You Part 2: Marijuana Thursday, November 15 @ 6pm 2050 Valley Life …