I'm going to catch up on Russian homework right now. Really, I am. Three or four days, all in one morning.
I'm really glad I hung out with Alexei. He gave me some great food for thought regarding faith and religion. In addition, he sprang for lunch and I got back Bargainville and Garrison Keillor's The …
Camille's party: Camille had a birthday and I wish her well. I attended her party and, while many interesting people joined me, the party was more conducive to dancing than to conversation. I sort of …
Notes from the a cappella concert on Friday night: Women can do Michael Jackson's "Beat It" as well as, or better than, Michael Jackson. At least, UCLA's Random Forces (a women's group) can. All-women's groups …
Mike Parsons told me that Steve Martin was a genius. I usually like his work, and Roger Ebert's interview with him makes me feel secure and justified.
I went to Camille's birthday party on Saturday night, and the night before, I went to an a cappella concert on campus. More on those later. As Leonard pointed out, saying "18th century" when you …
Frustration. I tried to buy some stamps at a vending machine in the post office annex on Allston Way. It ate my $4.00 and gave me back 60 cents in change but did not give …
More Red Cross madness!: From Today's Papers: The WP front gives the misstepping Red Cross more bad press. It seems that the Red Cross over-collected blood after Sept. 11 and now will have to burn …
Is there a porn search engine entitled "Ass Jeeves"?
It took me something like 20 minutes of searching to find the year in which Donald A. Norman, cognitive scientist, was born. It's 1935, just so you know, and I finally hit upon it by …