Blog by Sumana Harihareswara, Changeset founder
When I was rejecting submissions for Thoughtcrime Experiments, I told many writers that I'd give them suggestions for improvements if they wanted them. Some replied and took me up on the offer. Today I'm working …
Ned Batchelder pointed to John Hodgman's condemnation of "meh" in one-off blog comments and tweets. By definition, it may mean disinterest (although simple silence would be a more damning and sincere response, in that case)... …
A few models I've happened upon recently: No Big Deal: I visited Nandini. Her friend, a landscape architect, is helping her do up her apartment. We talked over breakfast. Susan's dad has always been a …
Having a publicly viewable stats aggregator displaying how quickly I read Thoughtcrime Experiments slush makes me want to work more and faster. If only I could have responded to most Salon Premium tech support questions …
What we are now learning about the devastation in the Gulf combines with a growing desire, borne of my working life, to become a manager, a good one.